MarketEdge PM Comments

Oct 24, 2023

(Sam Bair)
Good evening, markets are split after today’s session. December corn futures are down 6^2 pennies closing at 484^0, while March corn futures finish 10 and a ½ pennies lower closing at 498^0.  November bean futures are up 8^4 closing at 1295^2, and January bean futures are up 9^0, closing at 1314^4. Wheat finished lower today.
  • Monday, China signed purchase agreements with the US for the future purchase of US soybeans at a later date. The deals also included some corn, sorghum, and wheat.
    • This helped support the bean market today.
  • Much of south America is looking to be wetter in the 6-10 day window, if that happens it could add pressure to our markets.
  • US corn harvest is at 59% complete.  Iowa at 62% complete and Illinois at 70% complete.
  • US soybean harvest is at 76% complete.  Iowa is at 87% complete and Illinois is at 80% complete.
  • Livestock finish mixed, with cattle and hogs trading on both sides.
  • Dow Jones, Nasdaq, and the S&P 500, and the US dollar all finish higher.
Have a good evening,

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