Boost Your Corn and Soybean Yields with Fungicide

Jul 01, 2024

Fungal diseases are a significant threat to corn and soybean crops, causing substantial yield losses if left unchecked. Common diseases include gray leaf spot, northern corn leaf blight, and southern rust in corn, as well as frogeye leaf spot, Asian soybean rust, and Cercospora leaf blight in soybeans. These diseases can reduce photosynthesis, weaken plant health, and ultimately lead to lower yields and poorer quality crops.
Delaro Fungicide: Broad-Spectrum Protection
Delaro fungicide is known for its broad-spectrum disease control, offering protection against a wide range of fungal diseases. Here are some key benefits:

Two active ingredients, prothioconazole and trifloxystrobin, are combine which work together to provide protection against both fungal pathogens and resistance development. This dual-mode of action provides strong protection.
Delaro offers extended protection, ensuring your crops remain healthy throughout critical growth stages with long-lasting residual control.

By controlling diseases, Delaro helps maintain overall plant health, leading to improved photosynthesis and nutrient uptake, which can translate into higher yields.
Delaro Complete: Comprehensive Disease Management
Delaro Complete takes the benefits of Delaro a step further by offering even broader disease control and improved efficacy:

Three active ingredients—prothioconazole, fluopyram, and trifloxystrobin are combined to provide a triple mode of action. This combination provides a comprehensive approach to disease management, targeting a wider range of fungal pathogens.

The triple-mode of action helps mitigate the risk of resistance development, ensuring long-term effectiveness.
Delaro Complete not only protects against diseases but also promotes overall plant health, resulting in higher-quality crops that can command better market prices.
Veltyma Fungicide: Next-Generation Disease Control
Representing the latest advancement in disease control for corn and soybean crops, Veltyma offers unmatched efficacy and plant health benefits:

Veltyma contains Revysol® fungicide, an innovative active ingredient that provides superior control of key fungal diseases and is highly effective against resistant strains.
Veltyma is quickly absorbed by the plant, providing rapid disease control and long-lasting protection throughout critical growth stages.

In addition to disease control, Veltyma enhances plant health by improving stress tolerance, photosynthesis, and overall vigor, which can lead to higher yields and better crop quality.
Maximizing the Benefits of Fungicide Use
To fully capitalize on the benefits of Delaro, Delaro Complete, and Veltyma fungicides, consider the following tips:
Apply fungicides at the first sign of disease or as a preventive measure during critical growth stages – timing is key. Early application can prevent the spread of fungal pathogens and protect your yield potential.

Ensure thorough coverage of the plant foliage to maximize the fungicide's effectiveness. Proper application techniques and equipment calibration are essential. Always follow the label instructions for application rates, intervals, and safety precautions to achieve the best results and maintain compliance with regulations.

Incorporating Delaro, Delaro Complete, and Veltyma fungicides into your crop management plan can provide significant benefits for your corn and soybean crops. These powerful fungicides offer broad-spectrum disease control, enhanced plant health, and improved yield potential, helping you achieve a more successful and profitable harvest. By taking proactive steps to protect your crops from fungal diseases, you can ensure the long-term health and productivity of your farming operation.

For more information on these fungicides and how they can benefit your crops, visit the Customer Portal or visit with your Account Manager.

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Seth Landwehr, Decision Ag Specialist

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Aug 22, 2024
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To view updates from this past week on social media, visit the RVCTwitter account @RVCooperative or search the hashtag #RVCcroptour24
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Jun 25, 2024
Cedar/Scott County, IA
Eastern Iowa has received 2 to 4 inches of rain over the last week. Between rain showers, growers and retailers have found time to near the end of soybean post-spraying and top dress urea. Corn is growing fast with plenty of heat and moisture. Diseases have started to show up as well and we have already seen gray leaf spot, rust, and tar spot. Y-drop applications have started and should continue in the next few weeks. Soybeans that haven’t been post-sprayed have weeds that are getting some size. Make sure to use herbicide rates that are high enough to prevent having to respond later.